Boys wrestling state placers, 1966-present

Kendrick Kakazu beat Garrett Matsunaga in two straight finals in the early 1980s.
Kendrick Kakazu beat Garrett Matsunaga in two straight finals in the early 1980s.

Olin Kreutz. Kimo Leopoldo. Reggie Torres.

Big names, but none of them can be found on the list of state champions, because they all fell short. But any wrestler can tell you that fighting for that sixth spot takes just as much anguish as it does to step into the Saturday spotlight. Maybe more.

Here we present every state placer in the Chevron Hawaii state wrestling tournament, even before Chevron became the sponsor.

Until then, use this any way you wish. Team moms can put names on the wrestling room wall, just input your school name in the search box. Check on your coaches, where did they place? Try to determine Waipahu’s all-time team. How many Terukinas have there been over the years? Who beat MMA star Kendall Grove for fifth place in 2000? How about Niko Vitale, who could have possibly beat him in 1992?

All of the answers are here.

Some first names and state placers are missing, and I am sure more than a few names are spelled wrong, feel free to correct them in the comments. Special thanks to Natalie Iwamoto at the HHSAA for inputting the early years, which are the hardest since they are written in script.