Tata: Bishop Gorman game a great opportunity

Kesi Ah-Hoy will be a senior next season, when Kahuku defends its state Division I championship and visits Nevada power Bishop Gorman. Jamm Aquino / Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
Kesi Ah-Hoy will be a senior next season, when Kahuku defends its state Division I championship and visits Nevada power Bishop Gorman. Jamm Aquino / Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

Kahuku football head coach Vavae Tata is bringing his team to Las Vegas next season to play Bishop Gorman, USA Today’s No. 1 team from 2015.

He told Hawaii Prep World on Friday that it’s “a great opportunity.”

“We are looking forward to the challenge and are looking forward to preparing for that challenge,” Tata said. “We’re looking at it like another championship game.”

The Red Raiders beat Saint Louis 39-14 in Hawaii’s 2015 state Division I championship game. In Nevada’s D-I title game, Bishop Gorman routed Liberty 62-21.

Bishop Gorman coach Kenny Sanchez talked about how the game became a reality.

“Basically, Coach (Tata) reached out a month ago or so to see if we would be interested in playing a game,” Sanchez said. “It took a couple of weeks to see if we could work it out on the schedule. Kahuku is a real good football team and it was a really good fit (on the schedule).”

The Gaels plan to play their first two games of the 2016 season against Texas powerhouses in the Lone Star State — at Allen (a loser in the 2015 state 6A-1 semifinals) and at Cedar Hill (made 2015 state 6A-2 playoffs). They also have a game against St. Thomas Aquinas, the Florida 7A state champions.

Last fall, during the Gaels’ 12-0 season, they beat four out-of-state teams that had made it to at least their respective state semifinals the year before: at home against Chandler, Ariz. (35-14); at Bingham, Utah (38-20); at Bellevue, Wash. (35-7); and at Servite, Calif. (38-7). They also beat another perennial California power, at Long Beach Poly, 52-13.

“It’s fun for our kids to play, not so much against other states as much as it is against really good competition,” Sanchez said.

The Kahuku at Bishop Gorman game is Sept. 17.


  1. Tutu Kane Ale January 31, 2016 12:11 am

    Make alot of sense like if you going to play away it’s only wise to play the number one rated team in the USA and you know the Red Raiders varsity will be all cranked up cocked and ready; so the clock starts now like that’s 5690.0 hours and counting down to game day.
    Best Wishes to Tata and Hao Inc on their kind of championship game;…make us proud and enjoy you alls “my way”.

  2. Mahatma Gandhi January 31, 2016 5:14 am

    Why does Kahuku want to legitimize the Bishop Gorman football program by playing this game? Just look at the scores of last year’s Bishop Gorman games. They are blowing out the top teams of other states. They are one of those win-at-all-costs football programs. Just like the St Louis Crusaders. I don’t mind teams recruiting to make them competitive, but not recruiting to the point that no other team has a chance against them.
    Who is going to pay for the Kahuku team to fly there? ESPN? Are they going to televise the game?

  3. Education First January 31, 2016 6:41 am

    I just don’t understand why waste all this money on trafel when the money should be used on academic resources. How does playing football help these kids with academics. Kahuku has been good in football since the 90’s and their academic scores are still atrocious. What they should do is send all of the kids to Kumon so they can learn to count. Then they should buy manipulatives like analog clocks, base 10 blocks, coins, to help them count and tell time. Finally buy some elementary level books to help them with identifying author’s message, comprehending both fiction and non-fiction genre. You know start off real simple so they can improve on some of the worst state testing scores in the history of Hawaii. you know, take baby steps. It is never too late.

  4. Mahatma Gandhi January 31, 2016 7:20 am

    Education First, you have got to accept that no matter how much money you throw at things, some people are not meant to succeed in school. I don’t care how much money you spend on them. Conversely, if someone is not athletic, you aren’t going to turn them into an all-star athlete by spending millions of dollars on them sending them to sports camps and on specialized coaching. For those not academically talented, playing big-time sports leads to making positive name recongition in the community which then translates to being set up in good jobs like fireman, policeman, stevedore, Halawa prison guard. So many ex-Kamehameha football stars from their decade of dominance in the 1970s now working in those jobs.
    Mike Beazley, the QB for Waianae during their glory years of football in the late 1970s now working as stevedore. Of course he got that job by being Hawaiian and by making Hawaiians proud that he led Waianae to football greatness. Nate Fletcher, Defensive Player of the Year for Waianae in 1977 now working at Halawa. Making the big bucks.

  5. The Rim January 31, 2016 7:52 am

    Mahatma Gandi-Not sure where you come off saying you can become a Fireman or Police officer and not be academically talented.

  6. homom January 31, 2016 9:05 am

    I think Mahatma Ghandi is absolutely right. Some people just aren’t cut out to be successful academically. I’m not sure if it’s a cultural or socioeconomic issue or just plain faulty genetics, but Kahuku has been underperforming overall as a school for an extremely long time. Hooked on Phonics books won’t work for that.

    Granted, there are intelligent kids in Kahuku, but overall, if the only thing the majority of the students are interested in doing is banging heads against each other on the football field and then making six digits working overtime at Halawa, more power to them.

    It’s good to be a doctor, lawyer, engineer, and so on, but we still need janitors, corrections officers, cops, and stevedores as well.

  7. The Rim January 31, 2016 9:12 am

    Both of you should go and take the Fireman and Police test and see if you pass. I’m sure you’ll change your ignorant views really quick.

  8. Northshore January 31, 2016 12:48 pm

    There are a few like Mahatma Ghandhi and Education First that are jealous and show bitterness towards Kahuku. Regardless of their negative remarks, we (RRFL) are proud and will always support our School. It’s none of their business or concern as to why Kahuku will take on the challenge and accept the opportunity to play Bishop Gorman or who will be paying for the trip. It’s not only about playing football but an educational trip that will provide an opportunity for the boys to experience what the “Big Apple” has to offer and see that there’s more to life than just living on an island. Kahuku is not intimidated to take on Bishop Gorman and whatever the outcome of the game, it will be a positive and lifetime memory and experience. If both of you are negative about Kahuku’s students academics, maybe you should attend Kahuku’s graduation and be a witness to the countless numbers and $millions of academic and athletic scholarships. It’s amazing how many have gone to college and have become productive citizens throughout the country. Your negative remarks will not stop the Red Raiders from striving to be the best, no matter who the opponent may be because we live for the challenge and “we’re fearless.”

  9. Tutu Kane Ale January 31, 2016 2:01 pm

    Auweh,..looks like big time writers whipping out especially for those who have never experienced true lifeline survival and challenges and like the northshore has roots and roots of it. Granted time has change from the yesteryears but not the drive home after every game win or lose like them are always a learning experience and that’s my Kahuku always in survival and challenge mode like the greater the challenge the better the blessing for each and everyone. Now academically it’s the same but still challenging to survive individually whereas most everyone being born are not blessed with an educated head full of files ready to perform. I may not be the only one but for me,..my Kahuku High and Elementary gave me enough tools whereas evenso with having failed two (AM) periods of wood shop;..still I didn’t need to extend/attend my education toward higher learning at university or college level but what I came to be was only unique and surely it arrived from my roots at Kahuku to challenge and survive. The bottomline to the moral of my story is don’t badger education and don’t label the less gifted whereas it echoes the same concept,..”leave no child left behind”;…go for the win, go for the experience, and don’t forget to share and enjoy;…in god we trust for you and yours.

  10. Paper Crane January 31, 2016 2:46 pm

    Feasibilty and planning or going for the ultimate schedule whereas wouldn’t you think that Tata and Hao and staff had considered all that along with every contributing factor,..pros and cons to journey to LV and play our nations number one rated football champions? Surely this was no overnite dream awakening to be non title game national champion. Looks like some commenteers need a high school level remedial on what’s the difference between a no brainer and a have brainer?

    @ Tutu Kane Ale;..enjoy your full retirement where-ever you hang your hat and mahalo for the read and god bless you and yours.

  11. Hauula 93 January 31, 2016 2:49 pm

    Here we go again with education first and Mata ussi.. I didn’t see you guys grumble about Punahou or mililani going to the mainland for the opportunity and experience to see how they will compete on a higher level.. The exposure will really great for our boys who are trying to get in really good D-1 colleges…. We want the best for our kids and we aren’t well funded like our private schools, but we make due with what we got..It’s called old school… Just sit back and watch how this community will come through for our kids… We will shock the world…

  12. Tanoai reed January 31, 2016 2:50 pm

    Education first….shut your wise ass up

  13. Education First January 31, 2016 4:26 pm

    “There are a few like Mahatma Ghandhi and Education First that are jealous and show bitterness towards Kahuku.”

    I am jealous because I am proficient in math, science, and reading? I am jealous of some of the worst test scores?

    I am jealous since maybe 1% of your student body may turn football into a career.

    I don’t think so.

  14. Education First January 31, 2016 4:29 pm

    Tanoai reed January 31, 2016 at 2:50 pm
    Education first….shut your wise ass up

    Sir, you need to check the scores out there. If you look only at Oahu, it is near the bottom. I gave a very honest account of how I thought monies could be used to help change this cycle of poor academic performance. It is not even near the state median.

    Instead of insulting me, maybe you should insult the families the allow these kind of things to happen. The scores are so low that I have actually seen kids with learning disabilities scores higher than the school average. That is alarming. Instead of telling me to “shut my wise ass up” maybe you should tell the parents to “do something to equip their children to get better test scores” since it is very bad now.

    But I under stand when the truth hurts and the numbers tell a story, it’s easier to insult me than take accountability. It’s sad though.

  15. Paper Crane January 31, 2016 4:35 pm

    He,…He, now that’s really funny if you use Chinese Ying Yang meaning all things has an opposite like:

    EDUCATION LAST for the no brainer, no class sss, commenteer?

    P.S. shelley and kela,..unko Paper Crane sends his warm aloha.

  16. EwaEwa January 31, 2016 4:41 pm

    Kahukus scores are just fine. I am an academic counselor for the DOE on the Windward side, Castle has the lowest Math and Social Studies scores, Kahuku’s scores are all average middle of the pack compared to the rest of the public schools.

    Kahuku’s football players as a group average a 71% which is a C-. They are ranked in the top 75 percent of academic scores compared to all the other public schools football players around the state. Not terribly awesome but no bad at all.

  17. Saka January 31, 2016 5:17 pm

    Thank you EwaEwa…


  18. Action Jackson January 31, 2016 5:22 pm

    The Fletcher brothers from Waianae. Both prison guards now w/ the state.

    Athletics give reason to make the grade, what is it 2.5 now? Kids get motivated to strive for the “extra credit”, maybe even lucky if the teachers grade on a curve.

    All human beings have their own distinct strengths and vantage points. Just because you ain’t on honor roll isn’t the end of the world. Lotta kids have hidden talents that goes beyond just what is fed to students in the classroom.

  19. Polo January 31, 2016 5:32 pm

    Education first shut your ASS is right! You think we don’t know who you are! Enough already, stop putting the kids and our community down. WE ARE MAKING STRIDES ROME WASN’T BUILT OVERNIGHT! We’re a proud PUBLIC not PRIVATE school that has accomplished so much AND STILL accomplishing GREAT THINGS! So if you would like to contribute positively, come on down and enlightened us. I guarantee you’ll get a hug and leave with the Spirit of Aloha!

  20. Mahatma Gandhi January 31, 2016 6:11 pm

    Education First, regarding “Tanoai Reed”. If it’s the same Tanoai Reed who blocked for Mark Atuaia alongside Toele Faamoe and signed to play football at UH. Regarding that Tanoai Reed, he flunked out of UH TWICE but is now making the big bucks as a stunt man in Hollywood. Good for him.

  21. Mahatma Gandhi January 31, 2016 6:18 pm

    Hauula93, I have no problem with Kahuku going to play a powerful team on the mainland. Hopefully ESPN will televise the game and fly the Kahuku kids over for free. ESPN showed numerous high school games last year. The problem I have is playing BIshop Gorman. That is a win-at-all-costs football program. Just like the St Louis Crusaders here in the islands. Why legitimize their dirty program by agreeing to play them?! Play De LaSalle in N California instead, or Long Beach Poly. If anything good comes out of playing this game, it’s that Samoans and Tongans on the mainland will want to play in that nationally televised game and will want to transfer to Kahuku for their senior year. I want to see St Louis get blown out by Kahuku again as thy were last season.

  22. Mahatma Gandhi January 31, 2016 6:24 pm

    Education First, true dat maybe 1% of Kahuku football players are able to make a living playing in the NFL. But many more will have their career jobs set up as a fireman, stevedore, prison guard or policeman by playing football for UH and making positive name recognition in the community.

  23. Educate Yourself First Before You Post BS January 31, 2016 6:28 pm

    Education first, your comment was very condescending. You weren’t trying to give any advice you were being a wise ass. Whenever there’s an article about Kahuku you seem to always bring up test scores. Sounds like it’s the only thing you have to bring those kids and the school down no matter what the article is about. Kahuku has raised its elegibilty standards to a 2.3. That is higher than any other school on Oahu. This past semester only 2 kids on the team had below a 2.3. The average GPA on the team was 2.7 with many kids on honor role. Per EwaEwas message, maybe you should do more research before your pompous arse decides talk about how poor these kids are doing.

  24. Northshore January 31, 2016 6:57 pm

    Education First: Instead of insulting Kahuku about their scores and putting the kids under the bus, i would think that a person like you (Education First) would provide better ways of increasing the scores not by money but better teaching techniques by the DOE. It’s not always the kids fault for having low grades because it could be other reasons beyond the school’s administration control, i.e. incompetent teachers, old facilities, no AC, outdated equipment, reading material and teaching techniques. Not making excuses but really, if you can’t say anything constructive except to insult Kahuku, your remarks are a reflection of your selfish and unintelligent mindset. Your comments aren’t taken lightly and I find it to be rude and hateful. You make it sound as though we have the lowest scores in the state and I know we’re not. It’s too bad that we have to read insulting and personal attacks towards the students especially from someone using “Education First” as your fictitious name.

  25. Tutu Kane Ale January 31, 2016 6:57 pm

    Hope this forum of comments doesn’t stretch out until September 17th like as of today 5666.0 hrs and counting down;..Nick, hurry up and write another article that’s stimulating whereas before the Super Bowl;…this one here can go on and on like a merry go round sushi bar like it seems almost similar to senior folks talking old news and some can’t listen too so they repeat the same Q’s and A’s like over and over;…like this is almost the same on of them cut and paste already written in comments on your/this article.

    Anyway Nick thanks for being there and sharing the latest;…Best Wishes in 2016,..enjoy and see you on the campus.

  26. Saka January 31, 2016 6:57 pm

    I think that is why you take on this kind of program to stick it to them…. Winning is what we love here on the north shore also so why not…. Why travel all the way to anywhere and then play a Kalani caliber team…. Maybe they tried to play someone else but the schedules county match up and this is the only game that would match up to play!!! Regardless of why you have to be happy that they are playing the #1 school in America!!!

    Just haters being haters!!! Das all!!!

  27. Paper Crane January 31, 2016 7:17 pm

    @Saka;…so so true your write and it’s like Kahuku wants the highest level outside of Hawaii Nei and soon they’ll want to scrimmage UH but for some, that would only defeat the purpose of wanting to play in the mainland university and colleges after graduation.


  28. Spartan January 31, 2016 7:34 pm

    According to SalaryExpert.com, stuntmen earn as much as $44,887 annually in Chicago, Illinois; $36,797 annually in Dallas, Texas; $56,291 in New York; and $29,735 in Orlando, Florida. In other major cities such as Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Boston, Massachusetts; and Washington, D.C., stuntmen earn $23,932, $34,831 and $36,254, respectively.

    Hollywood Stuntmen:

    Salary for stuntmen in Hollywood depends on a few things.
    1. What type of stunts you are doing.
    2. Who you are.
    In the movie Highpoint (1982), stuntman Dar Robinson was paid $150,000 to jump off the CN Tower in Toronto, Canada; whereas Simon Crane was paid $1 million for moving between two flying jets on a rope in the movie Cliffhanger (1993). However, like I said it depends who you are, so this type of salary is limited to a select few. The average salary of a stuntman is about $70,000.

    I mean maybe this is big bucks to you.

  29. Me January 31, 2016 7:53 pm

    Lol! How the heck did this article about Kahuku vs Bishop Gorman turn into how much money I make? FYI I make all those numbers in the first paragraph within a month of work. LOLing all the way to the Bank! #RR4L!

  30. Homegrown January 31, 2016 7:58 pm

    Good luck Red Raiders. Start preparing now, especially in the classroom!

  31. Manley January 31, 2016 8:22 pm

    I predicted that Tata’s would reach out for national rankings. Not 27th, but top 10. The talk is about FOOTBALL. Geeks on this thread should grab your erasers and go smell it in the corner. Kahuku will be stacked for the next decade.

  32. Lincoln Manutai January 31, 2016 8:36 pm

    Education First: It’s an opportunity and experience for football. That simple. It’s called the Law of the Lid in FOOTBALL.

    You have great suggestion, BUT Wrong forum.
    I have a suggestion for you.
    How about you lead the way in advocating your suggestions, Kumon, Manipulatives and so forth, to the DOE.

    Hats off to Coach Tata and staff for leading the charge in FOOTBALL. Challenging the kids to play the #1 team in the nation. About Coach Tata and Education. He’s raised the required GPA to 2.3 before the NCAA just raised its GPA standards.

  33. Action Jackson January 31, 2016 8:38 pm

    Harlan Reed, Tanoai’s dad is a top official in the “movie union” over in L.A.. He hires plenty Hawaii guys as stuntmen, security, van drivers, etc.. They make ridiculous amounts of money. Van drivers alone in the Movie union make $40/hr to start.
    On Oahu I know a guy making $50/hr driving van for the movie union. All they do is shuttle all the actors and crew from set to set, place to place. Lance Texeira, older Kaimuki guy w/ ties to the Perry’s, Freitas, Costas drives van for the movie union.

  34. Jeezy33 January 31, 2016 9:22 pm

    2.3 gpa at Kahuku? Man, Tata is setting some REAL high standards for the usos out there, i tell you. Those kids will definitely be college ready and able to go into a professional field and be productive members of society!

  35. Actual Counselor January 31, 2016 9:35 pm

    EwaEwa is either not a counselor because his/her data is all screwed up. Kahuku hits about the state average for reading scores but are extremely low in math and even more so in science.

    I also have no idea where EwaEwa got the numbers for the football players averaging a 71% in their classes or how you can even get those numbers on a standard DOE report card with 7 different classes all with their own grading standards. That’s why GPA exists.

    I also don’t know where EwaEwa got the numbers for the kahuku football players scoring in the top 75% of other football players in the state in terms of “test scores” (what kind of test scores are we talking about? And did you compile that data yourself because schools don’t keep track of data solely for football players).

    EwaEwa is just making things up. Sorry, Kahuku fans. I’m not saying your kids aren’t smart or aren’t scoring high or anything like that. I’m saying that EwaEwa is just fabricating statistics.

  36. Red Raider 4 Life February 1, 2016 5:03 am

    Eh this is an story about our kids, our football team and our coaches, why all the negative post about Kahuku. Haters going to hate no mater what.
    Good luck boys, see you guys in Vegas on September 17…
    Cheee Whoooo… Oregon RR4L

  37. Northshore February 1, 2016 6:11 am

    Action Jackson: You need to get your facts straight. Harlan Reed is not Tanoai’s dad. Com-on man, Leroy Reed, the great offensive guard/tackle for Kahuku is his dad.

  38. rrfl February 1, 2016 10:11 am

    education first. wtf. you must really just despise the kahuku community. everytime there is an article about kahuku, negative comments from you. Go get a hobby. use you awesome proficiency in math science and reading and get a hobby. You must just sit in front of your computer all day waiting for any article about kahuku so you can post all your negatvie comments, datas, stats, etc. etc. go run for office or something.

  39. AOK February 1, 2016 10:54 am

    I kinda agree with Education First. Not 100%, but to a certain extent. Yes, he is rude and insensitive, but he does have some viable points.

    I used to work tutoring KHS athletes (specifically football team) improve their SAT (specifically math portion) scores. It was amazing how so few of them actually cared about getting qualifying SAT scores. Nope. They all would rather talk about football. They didn’t care what I had to offer. nope. They wanted to talk about their dream schools. And, I would always tell them “Great. USC? Good football program. Now, how are you going to gain eligibility to get accepted?” Crickets. Few seconds later. No, but UCLA would be good too yeah? Unbelievable.

    I sincerely hope that Coach Tata has that school and team moving in the right direction. But, right now their priorities are all backwards. Until this mindset is fixed only a small handful will be able to use their football abilities to fruition. And that obviously is a full-ride to a 4 year degree. Not easy work for sure. But it is all right there in front of these boys/families, and it is sad more do not take advantage.

  40. Northshore February 1, 2016 11:54 am

    I must say that education and keeping up good grades are a must, if these exceptional talented football players would want to continue and pursue their dreams in college and perhaps continue to be drafted into the NFL. I have witness many talented players that could not be accepted into a big time college because of poor grades and ended up at UH. Notice how many private school players are accepted at big time colleges instead of accepting a scholarship to UH. Mainly because of good grades and SAT scores and they’re able to cope with college studies and sports. It’s all about good study habits from middle school and the drive to focus on their long range goals that gets them into big time colleges.

  41. Lincoln Manutai February 1, 2016 12:13 pm

    AOK and Education First have the same IP address that they are posting from. Lol

  42. Hahashandah February 1, 2016 12:53 pm

    AOK, I wonder what the odds are that it just happens that you are a tutor? Oh not just for any subject, specifically for SAT prep. Not just for any student but specifically for football players. Not only that you have done it specifically for Kahuku’s Football student atheletes. How fortunate for us to have your first hand knowledge since it happens to fall right in line with Education First. Hmm… I remember this game it started with B and ended with S. I’m calling it.

    I like the way you start of saying that you “kinda agree” with him. I’m sure your totally unbiased.

  43. EwaEwa February 1, 2016 1:14 pm

    Nothing is sad about Kahuku football academics. What is sad are the kids that are not playing football, go to the beach all day, smoke weed, ride their moped on the sidewalk, get their girlfriend pregnant and live at home the rest of their lives. Those kind of bums are all over the island, Waianae, Nanakuli, Waialua, Waimanalo, Kailua, Hauula etc..That is sad.

    At least our football boys have dreams, it may be one sided as far as sports and not academics but atleast when they graduate they continue to work hard in the construction field, start their own business and are not being a bum.

  44. fan February 1, 2016 1:19 pm

    Coach Tata, go play whoever you like. I coach in Hawaii (not football) and took my team on a mainland trip and was fortunate to play one of the top teams in high school at the time. Great opportunity, kids had a blast, and we got to see what we needed to work on as a team. We got blasted, but this team blasted a lot of teams. No shame in that.

    Sometimes playing is the education. Life isn’t only about math and science scores, especially if you’re a callous a$$ and want to throw it in peoples’ face.

  45. Tutu Kane Ale February 1, 2016 3:59 pm

    It’s all about challenges and achievements in eitrher academics or athletics but still we never forget the chemistry whether bitter sweet or happy tears when driving home from town whereas not particularly from Aloha Stadium and now that’s Kahuku Red Raiders Nation..

  46. Spartan February 1, 2016 9:57 pm

    EwaEwa do duo have any data on that? That’s like saying when Iolani kids graduate they become astronauts, ninjas, sultans, and kings. Anyone can make up things.

    And knowing a few guys who did this doesn’t erase the low annual median income, bad academic scores, and high poverty level.


  47. Spartan February 1, 2016 10:02 pm

    @ AOK, I applaud you for trying. But it’s not going to change. I have posted Scientific numbers. And all I see on this blog is excuses. If it is not excuses then it’s insults. I am not the one who has a child who gets such low SAT scores. I am not the one who contributes to the overall school’s poor academic performance.

    The insults will fly back as expected. But it is clear. Many parents have failed their children. Keep insulting me, threatening me, or making excuses, in the end it is your children who are the one failing.

  48. Spartan February 1, 2016 10:02 pm

    You can ask the moderator. I am not AOK. AOK is not one of my 1,211 name.

  49. Spartan February 1, 2016 10:04 pm

    Hahashandah February 1, 2016 at 12:53 pm
    AOK, I wonder what the odds are that it just happens that you are a tutor? Oh not just for any subject, specifically for SAT prep. Not just for any student but specifically for football players. Not only that you have done it specifically for Kahuku’s Football student atheletes. How fortunate for us to have your first hand knowledge since it happens to fall right in line with Education First. Hmm… I remember this game it started with B and ended with S. I’m calling it.

    I like the way you start of saying that you “kinda agree” with him. I’m sure your totally unbiased.

    Can someone please tell me what language this is? It surely isn’t English. No wonder your ELA scores suck. Look at your adult role models.

  50. Spartan February 1, 2016 10:09 pm

    EwaEwa January 31, 2016 at 4:41 pm
    Kahukus scores are just fine. I am an academic counselor for the DOE on the Windward side, Castle has the lowest Math and Social Studies scores, Kahuku’s scores are all average middle of the pack compared to the rest of the public schools.

    Kahuku’s football players as a group average a 71% which is a C-. They are ranked in the top 75 percent of academic scores compared to all the other public schools football players around the state. Not terribly awesome but no bad at all.

    What a liar. The Hawaii DOE does not test for Social Studies. They test for math, ELA, and science. They are looking to start testing Social Studies in the future, but they are not testing statewide yet.

    Here is your proof: http://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/Reports/StriveHIKahukuHighInt15.pdf

    Nothing is average about these scores. It’s terrible.

    #liar #makingupscores @kahukuisnotaverage

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