Set your calendars for a big show.
On Aug. 31, Bishop Gorman of Las Vegas will visit Honolulu to play two-time defending state champion Saint Louis at Aloha Stadium, according to Crusaders coach Cal Lee.
Lee worked out the details of the contest with Chris Brown, the former All-WAC performer for the University of Hawaii who is now an assistant with the Gaels.
Under coach Kenny Sanchez, Bishop Gorman won national high school championships in 2015 and 2016. The Gaels also won a national title under Tony Sanchez in 2014.
Mater Dei snapped Bishop Gorman’s 55-game winning streak on the way to a national title in 2017. The Gaels finished 13-2 and won the Nevada 4A state championship.
Saint Louis finished 10-0 last year and won the Hawaii Open Division state final, 31-28 over Kahuku. The Crusaders have won their last 15 games overall.
Saint Louis last played Bishop Gorman in 2012, losing 52-40 at Aloha Stadium. Running back Adam Noga rushed for 201 yards and two touchdowns but the Crusaders couldn’t contain Gaels quarterback Anu Solomon, who threw for 206 yards and three touchdowns and rushed for another score.
Bishop Gorman beat Kahuku, 35-7, in Las Vegas in 2016.
Saint Louis is 16-5-1 against mainland schools since 1966.
@Real Deal Is In The Country….
Since you want to count “STATE TITLES” Yes you guys won “8 Division 1 Titles” and Yes it’s the same “Division 1 Title” Hilo Viking won last Year. Lmao
St. Louis is the ONLY #BACK2BACK “OPEN DIVISION” Title holder.
Don’t believe me? Go and look at Your guys 8 State titles in your trophy case it will say “DIVISION 1” same as Hilo Vikings 1😂😂😂 lol
Awright- That’s poor mindset in regards to competition. If you have the right coaches, your team will move forward in some type of way. The ILH has nothing to do with the west side schools not competing or Kaiser falling out because they don’t like the coach. Waianae was just in the OIA title game and they lost to Kahuku. Waianae always has talents, they have other forces they’re dealing with out there because they have lots of talent. Kapolei that one year they beat Punahou, solid coaching that year. Kaiser kids didn’t want to play for Coach Martinez. From what I hear, kids are coming out again with the new coach. In regards to Mililani, York has been “attracting” kids since he took the job. The BIG 3 played in Mililani growing up, but they weren’t living in Mililani anymore while in high school. Just look at their college profile bios now. This past year, there was a big bunch from Kalihi. So Mililani has been on this train for a few years now trying to reload. It should be easier to load a OIA team, no test to get in, no tuition to pay for, just sign your name and you’re in. Unless you’re St. Louis than that doesn’t apply to your ILH school. Wait what! Hahaha can’t wait to watch hs football this season
@Charles Amai – Yes, thank you for reminding me about Narbonne. Was a good quality win.
Lol we don’t recruit and we’re excited for this upcoming game vs Gorman!! This allows exposure for all of us! & FYI Saint Louis can’t travel due to the incidents that happened in the mainland in the past!! That’s why we can’t!! Please get your facts straight! And plus, we just spent millions on a new athletic gym being built!!! So Funds for our school is tight! & all this talk about recruitment at our school… LOL we all just laugh! Wonder why kids from around the state go to STL? They have relatives that are proud alums… and their parents just want this to run in the Family. As a player, it upsets me that the fact you bash my team accusing of recruitment.. when our parents busts their behind to provide the best education for us men! Say what you want, but the Lord knows the truth! That’s why he continues to bless us!! G2G pray that every team has an injury free season! 808 Vs. Everyone
At comment #50, Poster: Real Deal is in the Country
You conveniently fail to mention the Crusaders 14 Prep Bowl titles, 13 in a row, 4 Prep Bowl game wins vs. Kahuku. OWNED..now and in the past.
Brotherhood > Neighborhood
Prep Bowl Results
Year Result Attendance
1973 Waianae 6 St. Louis 0 18,717
1974 Kamehameha 20 Leilehua 19 11,955
1975 Kamehameha 20 Waianae 14 30,201
1976 Kamehameha 46 Radford 6 26,666
1977 Waianae 27 Punahou 6 30,793
1978 Waianae 14 Kamehameha 6 32,812
1979 Kaiser 27 Kamehameha 7 26,619
1980 Iolani 7 Waianae 7 31,484
1981 Radford 14 St. Louis 2 22,235
1982 Pac-Five 14 Waianae 7 24,090
1983 St. Louis 15 Nanakuli 12 27,665
1984 Leilehua 10 St. Louis 0 27,499
1985 Pac-Five 56 Waianae 7 16,894
1986 St. Louis 49 Waianae 6 15,922
1987 St. Louis 35 Waianae 0 17,029
1988 St. Louis 49 Waianae 7 18,752
1989 St. Louis 35 Kahuku 18 22,219
1990 St. Louis 38 Farrington 3 29,362
1991 St. Louis 36 Waianae 6 21,169
1992 St. Louis 35 Waianae 7 19,202
1993 St. Louis 37 Kahuku 22 21,114
1994 St. Louis 26 Kahuku 20 25,838
1995 St. Louis 27 Kahuki 26 29,129
1996 St. Louis 7 Waianae 0 16,094
1997 St. Louis 27 Waianae 0 23,973
1998 St. Louis 28 Waianae 20 20,959
All those wins, and still no respect…Because you don’t win with your own players…Plain and Simple…No matter how you write it down…WE play with our OWN players…Next time you guys put out your roster,write down the address of each player..Then you’ll get what I’m talking about…
#4, well said!
it doesn’t matter where the boys come from, they played for Saint Louis and that’s all that matters, with the schedule coming up this year let’s see how Kahuku handles this much tougher schedule with no byes,
Dumbest thing I ever heard on why St. Louis can’t travel! LMAO!! They can’t travel because they have a bunch of dummies up there that don’t know what the hell doing! That’s why they can’t travel. You must be Jus like them! All these excuses like building a new gym. Trust me- The BROTHERHOOD BOOSTERS got a lot of money! Btw, pull your head outta your %#&¥ about St. Louis doesn’t recruit!
-The Church is True
It does say Division 1 State Champs Jus like for Mililani last year but let’s be real about it. It’s actually the 7th best team in the State. Go ask coach Rod York if he feels like a state champ after beating Iolani! He will say hell no! But on his resume he will put down Back2 Back Division 1 Football State Champions. It’s good all though, but let’s not make a big deal out of it because everybody knows it’s jus 7th place
No addresses…? I didn’t think so…Exsposed.
@Footballyoubet…the Crusader FB program and HC Cal Lee are respected and recognized across the country and in this State for their on-field performance, high level coaching and tradition. On the North Shore, the Saint Louis gold standard of excellence is a source of jealousy, inferiority and insecurity as evidenced by your obsession with the Red and Blue and the fact that the IQ challenged members of your community have to fire coaches every 15 minutes in a useless attempt to keep up. Do yourself a favor, cut out the salt in your diet, lose weight, get the high blood pressure under control, wash those tacky Red Raider shirts at least once a month to keep from stinking and stop crying. BTW regarding the statement on addresses , Kahuku could post the towns/villages that player’s families come from and produce real birth certificates. Half the team looks like they’re in their 20s and with the shabby record keeping in some parts of Polynesia it could be true. Mahalo.
@real deal is pau Congratulations on the 14 Straight prep bowls titles . No one will ever come close to that , but
Notice how once the State Championship was created and the 5th year senior ( which St. Louis utilized ) was outlawed , they only won 5 State Titles in the last 18 years ?
The Real Deal..Wow, such angry comments..Must have hit a touchy subject…Since You like to write these long comments..Do the roster with the addresses, that would be a good read..And not so hostile, like your previous remark..
STL Football Player — Hopefully you’re a part of that 5% that does something with that education then…
STL Player– They may not “recruit” as you say BUT when they can’t get into Kamehameha, Punahou, or Iolani… It’s open enrollment all year long with the guarantee of you’re getting into the school. Tuition may not be fully covered, BUT families will pay what they can to go to the school but not ALL can afford it because the school needs money. There are a number of kids at STL that I know who just couldn’t get into the other schools due to test scores, but they all ended up at STL because families don’t want their child at a public school but they all well and became all state players. What we are trying to say is, STL is basically a public school with the ILH tag with a little higher standard of education and tuition. Also the gym has nothing to do with you traveling. The gym is being funded by the Ching family, not the school . Stop worrying about commenting and go workout for the season.
Footballyoubet = no can handle da truth (written in the pidgin he/she can understand).
BTW, congrats on the b-ball victory vs. Maryknoll. Just read that the two leading scorers are transfers from Mississippi and New Zealand. Last year’s team had mercenaries from Virginia and New Zealand, All one and dones. Not exactly “from the community “.
“Rooted not Recruited” 😆. At least the Crusaders are all American citizens.
Drop the 🎤
Have a great three day weekend all!
The Real Fwam…Hahaha…No Addresses?…I know it just makes it all real…The Real Deal is The Real Truth and that you can’t win with the players in your schools district…
Some corrections Brotherhood94.
Many student athletes made Saint Louis their first choice for reasons such as being a better fit socially (ask some of the student athletes at Punahou about the “vibe” at their school and the “special classes” for athletes only that separate them from the regular student body) superior coaching, new facilities, reputation and family tradition. Also, no “year round” admission period or guarantee of admission (Medeiros runs a pretty tight ship). Saint Louis a leader in the State in robotics and math competitions as well as college prep and other curriculum opportunities. Saint Louis alum are very influential and numerous in the local business and finance community which gets your foot in the door post HS/college.
Let me know if you have any questions or need to discuss as you seem uninformed at the very least or just another nameless troll with the need to whine. Oh yeah. Winning baby.
Footballyoubet..how do you see the screen and type with all those salty tears welling up in your eyes? BTW, are you a high school grad or have a GED? Please advise ASAP. Thanks.
#19 The Real Deal is Back.
well said!!!!!
I can see why bishop Gorman agreed to play St. Louis they looking to make a statement coming down this august 31st. Bishop Gorman has some of the top recruits from the mainland with size and speed. St.Louis needs to prepare and prepare well with the best from the State. “STOUT” on defense and I mean “STOUT” on defense back field just as important as the front line RUN that sand boys everyone will be watching on this one!!!:) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGXVrEmPvhE
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hnRxrLg4fQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cckGxffpw_Y
Ever since Pat hamamoto was principal the curriculum at St. Louis got better. It’s not like the old days when Cal lee was all about winning. Why you talking about addresses it’s a private school so of course they come from all over the island. Just to make you feel better last years team only had one starter from kahuku and his father is an alumni so stop crying.
@recruit dis at least we have one st.louis guy recognizing that st.louis was all about football and winning especially in the ’90’s. There was a time when a whole bunch of kids couldn’t pass the simple SAT to get into college but yet they graduated from a private school. This era is when I believe Cal Lee should be ashamed of himself, using kids to build his ego. Brotherhood? I believe this fraternity is only for the successful ones.
Bu-Lyah, Brotherhood94, @76South… LOL you see the difference between winners and losers… winners don’t complain… that’s why you never hear us on social media 😂 we let the score board do the talking. And as a guess, y’all are all adults.. so why y’all being immature on social media 😂 saying “hopefully we do something with the education” lol you’re prolly a minimum wage worker or you barely make 20$ an hour hahah STL has business owners, brokers, NFL players, architects, engineers, etc etc… so please take that nonsense elsewhere. Lol us STL high school students are more mature than you 😂 but go ahead keep yapping on Social media because it doesn’t affect us at all 🤷🏻♂️ At the end of the day our banners and CHAMPIONSHIP RINGS DONT LIE. Bred Winnnahzzz
So yeah… Reading some of this diarrhea here.
FACT: St. louis has the longest consecutive streak of championships.
FACT: Kahuku’s Division I titles came before the inception of the Open Division, therefore, the TOP TEAMS WERE IN THAT TOURNAMENT. Kahuku’s Division I titles are the same as St. Louis’ Open titles.
FACT; Mililani’s FIRST Division I (2014) title was as legit as any Division I championship prior to 2016.
FACT: Mililani’s SECOND Division I (2016) title was referred to by Rod York himself as a “Bowl Game”. It’s true that the creation of the Open Division took some of the shine off of the Division I title…. for some teams. While Mililani may be “ho-hum” (yet appreciative) over their 2016 win, I’m sure Hilo is LOVING their 2017 trophy.
FACT: Comparing Kahuku’s Division I championships to Hilo’s is just HATE in TRASH TALKER’S CLOTHING. Hilo’s win came against a field that didn’t include St. Louis, Kahuku, Mililani, etc. …. Apples and oranges.
FACT: St. Louis is the defending champ. Can’t argue that.
FACT: The Prep Bowl was an Oahu thing. Not a true State Championship. I will concede here that the two teams in the Prep Bowl were “likely” the best 2 teams in the state for their respective seasons. but their was no opportunity given to neighbor island teams to possibly pull off “the miracle upset”. I remember a year when Konawaena came to play St. Louis. At the time,Kona was the perennial champ on the Big Island and came to Aloha Stadium with a lot of hype. I though it would be a better game than it was. St. Louis put a hurtin’ on the Wildcats and that was the last of that idea until the State Tournament became a reality.
FACT: Kahuku still holds the most titles “against the best competition”, regardless of what the Division is called. That said, St. Louis has regained their strength after falling off during Cal Lee’s absence.
FACT: I attended two high schools which have histories of victories and defeats versus both Kahuku and St. Louis and have State championships under their belts prior to the Open Division. I respect what BOTH schools have accomplished. They are the “dynasties”. Being from “more humble” programs, it’s clear to see the difference between blind loyalty and school pride.
I hate #HATE