Way back when Waianae ruled the OIA in the 1970s and 1980s, its success started with the last line of its defense.
The Seariders, who appeared at No. 8 in the Star-Advertiser’s countdown, seem to always leave fans wondering why ‘good’ rarely turns to ‘great’ when the season winds down. An answer can probably be found in the defensive backfield.
Waianae had the defensive player of the year seven times since 1975, five of them defensive backs. In all, 17 players have been selected first-team All-State from Waianae’s defensive backfield, but the last one was way back in 2006 when cornerback Preston Ayala was so honored.
The Seariders have not had a hard-hitting thumper of a safety since Kekoa Reyes manned the middle in 2000 and 2001.
The trend started with Peyton Sarono in 1975 and ran through Nathan Fletcher (1977), Max Maneafaiga (1979), Robin Saragosa (1980), Kurt Gouveia (1981), Derrick Mahaulu (1982), Faigata Lave (1984), Michael Wolfe (1986), Ron Peterson (1989-90), Dalton Magno (1992), Sasae Paogofie (1992), Chris Paogofie (1994-95), Dauthille Dizon (1996), Ted Mahelona (1996), Nate Jackson (1997) and Reyes followed as the state’s elite in the defensive backfield.
Sure, Waianae has had its share of elite defensive linemen and linebackers, but their best players have always been hard-hitting safeties.
All-State first teamers for Waianae. Players of the year are in bold.
- 1981: LB — Gordon Aken
- 1985: RB — Reed Aken
- 1995: LB — Lance Akiona
- 1981: OL — Neal Amina
- 2000: DL — Lia Atuatasi
- 2006: CB — Preston Ayala
- 1987: OB — Sam Bailey
- 1980: QB — Michael Beazley
- 1977: T — Cyrus Cariaga
- 1982: OL — John Carter
- 1980: DL — Wayne Comer
- 1980: DL — Joe Cruz
- 1996: DB — Dauthille Dizon
- 1978: DL — Jerry Faagai
- 1988: DL — Peter Fano
- 1977: DB — Nathan Fletcher
- 1980: OL — Quentin Flores
- 1997: OL — Mose Fonoti
- 1991: QB — Glenn Freitas
- 1977: LB — James Galariada
- 1977, 78: coach — Larry Ginoza
- 1980: OL — Kiha Gouveia
- 1981: DB — Kurt Gouveia
- 1975: T — Robert Hema
- 1977: RB — James Holt
- 1993: OL — Ben Iosefa
- 1984: OL — Robert Jackson
- 1997: DB — Nate Jackson
- 1974: T — Hansel Kane
- 1977: DL — Henry Kaulia
- 1986: DL — Nuuanu Kaulia
- 1973: C — Keith Kaululaau
- 1996: OL — Kika Kaululaau
- 2006: LB — George Kauwalu
- 1980: RB — Tilson Kekua
- 1997: RB — West Keliikipi
- 1998: LB — Winston Keliikipi
- 2008: DL — Wade Keliikipi
- 1978: LB — Ernesto Lacaden
- 1982: OL — George Landford
- 1984: DB — Faigata Lave
- 1994: LB — Taulia Lave
- 2000: LB — Brian Lave
- 1975: DL — Wilfred Lopes
- 1993: LB — Faa Maga
- 1992: DB — Dalton Magno
- 1982: DB — Derrick Mahaulu
- 1996: DB — Ted Mahelona
- 1978: RB — Fred Mahuka
- 1992: OL — Jeffrey Mane
- 1979: DB — Max Maneafaiga
- 1979: LB — Joe Masaniai
- 1991: OL — Lawton Mauai
- 1992: coach — Harry Mitsui
- 1985, 86: OL — William Molina
- 1988: LB — Frank Molina
- 1993: DL — Kelly Momoa
- 2006: OL — Travis Nua
- 1985: OL — Louis Pakele
- 1995: OL — Lance Panui
- 1992: DB — Sasae Paogofie
- 1994, 95: AP — Chris Paogofie
- 1996: LB — Benie Pave
- 1990, 91: DL — William Pedro
- 1989, 90: DB — Ron Peterson
- 1991: DL — Evile Puna
- 1972: MG — Vincent Ramos
- 2000, 01: DB — Kekoa Reyes
- 1980: DB — Robin Saragosa
- 1975: DB — Peyton Sarono
- 1999, 00: KR — Peter Sarono
- 1989: OL — Eugene Seminavage
- 1982: LB — Lafi Siliga
- 1996: DL — White Sosene
- 1996: Coach — Leo Taaca
- 1987: OL — Kevin Takafuji
- 1995: DL — Ben Taualu
- 1991: LB — Angus Thompson
- 1979: DL — Fred Toilolo
- 1980: LB — Moreli Toilolo
- 1973: MG — Afa Tuaolo
- 1975: LB — Tom Tuinei
- 1997: OL — Nahina Tuinei
- 2010-12: DT — Kennedy Tulimasealii
- 1992: DL — Asolelei Vanilau
- 1973, 74: B — Mike Vierra
- 1984: LB — Darrell Wilcox
- 1975: RB — Eliu Wilson
- 1986: DB — Michael Wolfe