Another week of ILH football and another schedule change.
With the Saint Louis-Kamehameha game postponed due to COVID-19 protools, the Damien/Pac-Five contest scheduled for Saturday will now be the featured 7:30 p.m. game on Friday at Aloha Stadium.
The 5 p.m. matchup between ‘Iolani and Kamehameha I-AA remains the same. Damien and Pac-Five had been slated to meet on Saturday morning at Saint Louis’ field.
This marks the third time an ILH football game has been pushed back due to COVID-19 protocols.
In ILH football season week one, Pac-FIve/Saint Louis I-AA was called off. In week two, Saint Louis-Punahou was postponed.
“All these games are postponed and rescheduled, if possible,” said Wendell Look, ‘Iolani co-athletic director and the league’s football coordinator.
The ILH regular season, including playoffs, is set to conclude on Oct. 23 — roughly two months before the state tournament begins.
“There’s no cutoff date (beyond Oct. 23). That’s kind of why we did it this way, where there’s room in the back end,” Look noted.
The public school leagues — KIF, OIA, MIL and BIIF — are scheduled to begin game action on Oct. 15.
Wake up Hawaii, all a fraud. Virginia tech crowd was awesome!!
Check this out:
Over a million unmasked fans at college football games this week & not one of them are dead.
1 player tests positive with zero fans & Hawai’i wants to postpone/cancel another season?
Should’ve sent your kids to play in the mainland.
Our hospitals are overloaded you two dummies.
Overloaded with 99.9% of people who are UNVACCINATED or with underlying conditions!
Who’s the REAL Dummies?
Test everyone before the game, (players, coaches, etc.) must have 2 negative test before the game, isolate the 1 or 2 positive cases, practice all safety protocols, no fans , if vaccinated even better for everyone involve. Yes safety is our main priority but, we cant stop living our lives because of fear. Cant penalized the whole team because of a few. If we did everything in our power to protect ourselves then that is all you can do. Leave it to God and the professional Doctors. (Vaccine, wash hands, test, social distance etc.) Student Athletes needs an outlet for Mental and Social Health, not just Physical Health.
“If can CAN, if no can, NO CAN”
We should be divided into two groups, 1. the vaccinated. 2. the unvaccinated.
The vaccinated can participate in sports, attend games, go to restaurants, gyms, travel.
The unvaccinated get nothing. You don’t get to participate in sports, attend games, etc.
If the vaccinated should get the virus and need treatment at the hospitals you get placed on the Premier list. You get first dibs at all services.
If the unvaccinated should get the virus and need treatment at the hospitals you get placed on a Standby list. You only get attention if services are available. If not then you self treat at home.
Let the kids play already, if having the vaccine is the means to get the kids to play then lets get it done. Screw your personal freedom, what about the freedom of our kids who are wasting their valuable childhood on a situation that there is a simple solution. For once am I glad I old and had that opportunity to participate in various school activities.
ILH has space in the backend to make up games, OIA wont. Their schedule would have to go on without a hitch to make it. I hope everyones got their shot!!!
I’m glad you idiots believe in the science. Keep getting JABS. Charles Darwin wrote a book about you guys.
The crowd at the Virginia Tech/North Carolina game was awesome. But that is on the mainland-we live in Hawaii and we operate under a different standard. Like it or not that is what the powers to be decided. If that is the only way to get the count down whether we all idiots or not we have to get a jab for our kids. If it works-great-if not then these kids not going to get to play anyway. At this rate some of these kids will never get to play a high school game ever!!! That is heartbreaking. Get a jab for our kids!
I take it you NEVER got shots for Polio, Measles, TB or Chicken Pox? Oh wait, you did! Whose the IDIOT?
Hawaii operates under STUPID
U can’t fix stupid
You can LEAVE anytime you want!!
That’s the FREEDOM we have in this country.
I’ll stay because I’m born and raised here and will stay unvaccinated however idiots like you would love to take away our freedoms.
Freedoms of this country???
Your favorite president just took that away.
U are beyond ignorant, get the booster and go watch the kardasians.
Do you live on the rock or under a rock? We still have all our freedoms. You just said you’re not getting the shot, that’s your freedom to choose! You said you’re staying on island, another freedom to choose! So how did your president take away your freedom?
You’re confused !!!’
??? Hey Rock head! u are dumber than a rock. The unvaccinated or smart people are not allowed tio dine with the stupid people. That’s taking away our freedom. Go play xbox, u idiot! Enjoy your freedom now because it’s the vaccinated people that are getting sick. Of course u will never know because you watch CNN and read the Advertiser.
@Q, Aka “Queen”
The Advertiser owns Hawaii prep world! So Mahalo for your support! LOL
You can eat with the stupid people you just need a negative test Moron.
Better pray you have good medical coverage & a funeral plan cause 99% of Covid deaths are “Unvaccinated” yes, that’s YOU!!
Trump will be back but I doubt you’ll be here to see it. Ahui Hou…
Can someone explain this controversy to me. I respect everyone’s freedom of choice. But it is this freedom that is preventing us from getting back to normalcy. It is this freedom that is preventing our kids from participating in sports. It is this freedom that is preventing parents and grandparents from watching our kids participate in athletics, band activities, etc. It is this freedom that does not allow our uncles and aunties from returning to work because our tourist industry has been affected by this virus. So why would we want to maintain our decision not to vaccinate if this freedom that is being expressed is preventing all this from happening. I don’t understand so can someone please explain it to me. thnks.
U need a JAB or u get no freedom? What’s to explain? They are telling us, no JAB no freedom.
So that means that people who don’t get vaccinated place their freedom ahead of our kids future, our uncles and auntys livelihood, the overall economy of our island, hmm that doesn’t seem right? Isn’t that kind of selfish?
So you actually believe the vaccine is helping you? Then why are you so afraid of the unvaccinated? Aren’t you protected? Why is Israel (The most vaccinated country) with the most covid cases. Why has the flu totally disappeared. The truth is out there and if you think the MSM (mainstream media) are giving it to you then keep getting those jabs. It’s not selfish to refuse poison into your body. If you don’t believe me then start doing more investigations on the web. Even a local lawyer Green who is representing first responders in a class action lawsuit against the city stated that there have been thousands of deaths from this vaccine.
(edited out of TV news of course) however still out there to be found on the internet. Start really looking into Fauci. You’ll find some scary things about him. Time to get out of the matrix that you are living in and wake up.
Good to see Q still supporting “The Advertiser“. Lol
These games aren’t being postponed because of the unvaccinated or due to safety. We are being jerked around by ridiculous protocols to cause divisiveness and control us.
Young athletes are at virtually no risk of serious illness due to the virus. But they are at high risk of myocarditis (heart inflammation) after the shot that could sideline them for a season or for the rest of their lives. Risk of a young male getting myocarditis after the vax is about 1 in 3000-6000. That is NOT RARE. It’s already happened to kids on Oahu.
??? Don’t buy the trash however I do enjoy sports so I will read it online for FREE. Otherwise, it’s basically toilet paper.
Whether or not these games are postponed because of the unvaccinated or safety, or we are being jerked around, the bottom line is as long as we don’t hit the governors mandates our kids will not have a high school football season, our state does not get back to normal. If getting this vaccine will get us back to normal then I was willing to take the shot for the team even though I hate getting a shot of any kind. We need team players to get through this crisis.