Last November, the junior varsity football season came to a close for Brock Fonoimoana, who was named Kahuku JV’s most valuable player on defense.
He was a force to be reckoned with, even at a lean 5 feet, 10 inches and 150 pounds. Then came an additional 20 pounds through constant training and intake, and a timely growth spurt of 3 inches. Now 6-1 and 170 pounds, the sophomore-to-be has worked out at his home relentlessly, five days per week, through the COVID-19 lockdown.
Utah took note a few weeks ago, watching Fonoimoana’s Twitter videos. On Monday, the Utes became the first university to offer a scholarship to Fonoimoana. He has a 3.8 grade-point average.
“It’s kind of surprising. We started following (Utah) and they followed me back one or two weeks ago. We never had a Zoom (meeting). I just talked to Coach Louie (Louis Powell),” Fonoimoana said of the Utah assistant coach.
BYU, he added, had been in contact prior to Utah. He has received letters from the Cougars, but nothing else.
“I don’t know. I like the two schools. I visited both colleges before, two summers ago,” he said.
Fonoimoana participated in the SoCal Top 100 Showcase in early June.
“It was a good experience. There are good athletes up there,” he said. “I think (college) coaches were watching online.”
Fonoimoana is born-and-bred Laie through and through. He works out with his childhood friends Pokai Haunga, who attends Kamehameha, and Cash Kaio, who goes to Saint Louis. Haunga’s younger brother, Paka, also works out at Fonoimoana’s house.
“Me and Cash played for Laie Park (Raiders),” he said. “We lift outside my house. We have some weights and other people come here and lift, too. Some of these are old weights from Kahuku. My dad (Vic) got them. He spots me and he lifts on his own. He trains me and my friends.”
Fonoimoana has been a beast at building muscle. He has a max bench press of 225 pounds. His max squat is 275.
“We lift five days a week. We took two days off last week when my cousins came from the mainland. They said, ‘Oh, you got bigger.’ I think I’m going to gain more weight,” Fonoimoana said.
Much of the workout footage ends up on Twitter. The process of gaining 20 pounds for a skill-position player — in nine months — is something to behold.
“It just came natural, nothing new about it. I think it’s genetics, but I’ve been training, lifting a lot, trying to eat more,” Fonoimoana said.
It hasn’t been all work for Fonoimoana this summer. His Twitter page includes spearfishing catches and a one-handed stand on a boulder during a hike.
Whether there’s a football season this fall or not, he is confident about his team’s work ethic. The secondary, according to teammate Chansen Garcia, could become one of the best. Garcia was offered a scholarship by Navy last week. Fonoimoana’s partner at safety was Shaun Niu.
“Our DBs could be good. We have good potential. We just have to work hard,” Fonoimoana said. “Everyone’s very athletic. They can move us DBs and we’ll learn real quick, every position what they’re supposed to do.”
Spatial recognition helps in the defensive backfield. Fonoimoana’s favorite class last year was geometry.
“Math is pretty fun,” he said.
Lockdown staples
Top 3 shows/movies
1. Naruto (Netflix). “It feels the same. It’s inspirational. Hard working, and a lot of fighting.”
2. Hunter X Hunter (Netflix). “It’s about a lot of stuff, but mainly about these two friends traveling the world and trying to get stronger, fighting bad guys. It’s anime.”
Top 3 foods/drinks
1. Crab legs. “My uncle (Ed Loo) gets it for our parties.”
2. Curry katsu. “My mom (Rebekah) makes it. The last time was three weeks ago. I can smell it coming home from workouts.”
3. TruMoo Chocolate Whole Milk. “I like to go to 7-Eleven and get this.”
4. Combat Protein Shake, cookies ’n’ cream flavor. “I drink this after I lift every day.”
Shout outs
Fonoimoana: “To my dad for helping me train, Rebel Squad and DB Tech, Coach Asai Gilman. DB Tech, we work out every Friday. It’s not really a clinic, just five of us, all from this side. Shout out to my mom, my uncle Eric (Loo) for their support. To my boys, I-Tolu, Shaun Niu, Lesu Damuni, Teancum Moeai, Jerron Ahpuck. And shout out to my sister, Mary, and my cousin, Brooke Loo, for their awesome support.”
KAHUKU Breeds student/Athletes! Nevah mind all the glamour and bragging, this and that! Always be humble, these kids were raised by faith, family and humble football. Congrats Brock! You earned it. #RR4L
Says the person who is basically bragging. #fakehumble
Great family, Solid values. Superb athletes.
Congratulations to Brock and the fam.