STATES: Makuaole knocks off Vierra at 145

Waianae's Kaleinani Makuaole defeated four-time ILH champion Zion Grace Vierra of Kamehameha in the 145-pound division at the state wrestling championships Wednesday at Blaisdell Arena. Vierra is a four-time ILH champion. Dennis Oda / Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

Waianae’s Kaleinani Makuaole beat Zion Grace Vierra of Kamehameha 5-2 in the quarterfinals of the 145-pound state wrestling championships Tuesday at Blaisdell Arena.

Makuaole moves on to the semifinals to face MIL champion Jahena Miguel of Baldwin on Thursday. Grace Vierra won four ILH titles but finishes her career unable to win a state crown.

“You gotta keep going and moving forward,” Makuaole said. “You can’t go in there scared and you gotta have your game-face on.”



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