After playing one of the best games of his young career, Kahuku sophomore quarterback Sol-Jay Maiava earned a big-time offer from the Pac-12 on Tuesday.
Very BLESSED n GRATEFUL to say that I have received an offer from The University of Oregon!!! #GoDucks🦆 #WinTheDay #DoSomething #RR4L #808FB pic.twitter.com/elLFQA9F79
— Sol-Jay Maiava ™ (@Jay_4QB) November 7, 2017
Maiava, who is 6-foot-1 and 175 pounds, adds Oregon to an offer sheet that includes Michigan, Utah, Fresno State and Hawaii.
Maiava missed the Red Raiders’ only loss of the season, a 17-0 shutout against Bingham (Utah) in Las Vegas in September due to injury. In nine games, Maiava has thrown for 1,123 yards and 10 touchdowns and rushed for 202 yards and four more scores. He is completing 54 percent (89-for-165) of his passes with only three interceptions.
In a 35-31 win over Mililani on Saturday in the OIA title game, Maiava was 17-for-25 for a career-high 248 yards. He scored on a 32-yard touchdown run in the second quarter and added two touchdown passes, including the game-winner, a 28-yard strike to sophomore Kaonohi Kaniho with 1:34 remaining.
You can watch some of his highlights from the OIA title game below:
Awesomeness RRFL
BIG TIME! Congrats
yes!! YES!! YES!!!
Congratulations SOL JAY!
Winning high school games and better yet Championships increases your stock…leads to college scholarships. Kahuku and St. Louis know this and even York at Mililani understands. Thats why all the best athletes are transferring to a program that can get them the best exposure.
Anyone wanna bet that if Mililani won that game last week Gabriel would have up’d his stock and possibly gotten that Oregon offer? Just a wild thought. But now you see why York throws his little baby tantrums to fight for his players, because winning does wonders for the program today, tomorrow and into the future.
Baby Tantrums? Mean!!! That was disgraceful.
Congratulations Soljay. You deserve that and I’m sure many more still coming your way.
Congrats Sol-Jay. Keep your grades up, stay focused, be humble!
Awesome. . . Congrats but pls don’t consider Oregon if you wish pursue an NFL career. . . If he wants to further education then go right ahead.
Congratulations young man. Keep working hard!
Way to go!!! Now just bring home the Koa!!! Stay humble and hungry.RR4L._.
Maiava is a talent undoubtedly who belongs at a power school at the next level. My question is: Is he a 17-year old Sophomore? I only ask because I know of kids who were named to all-OIA and all-State awards in various sports as 17-year old Seniors and I can’t help but think that they would have been better served being held back and their accomplishments would’ve looked that much more amazing (to next level coaches) being advertised as Sophomores rather than Seniors at their age. That makes absolute sense to hold kids back especially when scholarship offers could potentially be on the line. It’s a smart investment if you ask me. Im just at the point now when I hear this stud athlete is “only a sophomore” or “only a freshman” I take it with a slight grain of salt and I like to know if they’re playing older than the majority of their classmates.
Congrats young man, many were not too high on your QB abilities but you proved a lot of people wrong with that OIA Championship performance. Only 10th grade and the sky’s the limit…
Congrats soljay keep up the good work Hawaiian! And no everyone who’s wondering he ain’t a 17 year old sophomore I will bet my life on that 6 days outta the week and twice on Sunday! I remember going to my Auntys house in Hauula his grandma lived next door and he was this little kid running around with long hair and silver teeth! Hahahaha typical country kid! My brother and he are the same age and I literally remember my mom and his mom pregnant at the same time so everyone that’s my mana’o on the matter but none the less let’s not make this article comment thread about a young man who just was presented with a scholarship into a bash fest or OIA ILH or Kahuku saintlouis homegrown vs recruit thing just everyone be humble
The State tournament was created in 1999 with NEW rules that helped to eliminate the prep bowl format in which St. Louis was using 19yr old seniors. Public schools have since followed the ILH strategy of holding their kids back to let them mature, but only if they meet the age requirement their senior year. SolJay will be playing in the State tournament his senior year.
Mainland kids been doing it for DECADES…being held back a year to be better when they’re Juniors and Seniors. That’s where St Louis got the idea from back in the day.
Go look at Bishop Gorman, IMG, etc…they all have 18-year old Seniors who turn 19 in the calendar year that they graduate. BG’s QB last year…Tate Martell…turned 19 this past January…right after football season.
One of my good friends who went to D1 back in late 80s said he couldn’t believe it when he showed up to football camp his freshman year – all the incoming freshman players that were mainland boys were all one year older than him.
As long as they don’t turn 19 until after football season…all good. OIA taking a page outta ILH playbook.
Go read “Outliers: The Story of Success” by Malcolm Gladwell…especially the part about the best High School hockey players in Canada.
It’s all about more repetition at your skill.
Who in the hell has a 17yr old sophomore at school what a stupid question, you sir are an idiot on all levels, don’t ever post on here again unless you have something positive to say. Great job Soljay for your hard work and dedication I’m sure you make your family proud 👍🏾
Well, it’s possible if the kid would play the season as a 16yo sophomore and turn 17 immediately after the season ended. With that, by the time the kid is a senior, he will be 18 during the season just about to turn 19 (and graduate at that age). Compare that with a kid who didn’t get held back for athletics and graduated at 17 – they’re most likely about to start their second year of college at the same time the kid held back is graduating hs.
No as uncommon as you think.
Congratulations Soljay. Soljay is 16 years old born in 2001. I can confirm this because I am his grandfather.
Dude we come on here to talk trash and rip each other. Not to drag kids and their families through the mud while we hide behind fake screen names. Know the difference and where to draw the line you @sswipes!
This is mild compared to most other Kahuku articles especially when Education First chimes in and attacks the entire Kahuku community.
Diamond Head…
That’s a FACT!
This is just evidence of more of the hatred the HHSAA and the ILH has for Kahuku. We have a good story about Sol Jay, who works hard in the classroom, on the field, and with his family, and then you have a bunch of haters like Education First smearing the family with the purpose of getting him to transfer to Saint Lulu. But that’s okay, we are enemies of the state. The entire state, including the refs, can be against us, but we will come out on top always.
That wasn’t disgraceful, he was arguing the referee’s ruling on block punt and touchdown throw on the rebound. Cal Lee stated, official ruling was a mistake and Mililani should’ve had the touchdown count. The turn point of the game in Kahuku’s favor. Get it right, people…you would do the same thing if you knew the rules.