Alabama wants a visit by Kaimuki’s Paama

Kaimuki's Sama Paama, right, worked on both the offensive and defensive line for the Bulldogs in a preseason scrimmage against Punahou. Photo by Cindy Ellen Russell/Star-Advertiser.

It’s not official in terms of a scholarship offer, but the Alabama Crimson Tide have their eyes on another local prospect.

Kaimuki football coach David Tautofi said that the defending national champions have been pushing for a visit by two-way lineman Sama Paama.

“What Alabama is trying to do is get him to go visit them,” Tautofi said. “Sama is top three nationally on their list (at his position). They wanted him to go up and visit (unofficially) in the summer, but we were too busy.”

Paama committed to Washington in April. This week, he said he will not take any of the five official visits permitted by the NCAA. The 6-foot-4, 355-pound senior also has offers from Arizona, Arizona State, Hawaii, Nebraska, Oregon, USC, Utah and Virginia.

Here’s Paama talking about his commitment to the Huskies.


  1. ??? September 20, 2018 1:50 pm

    This kid is a Beast! He should just take his 5 free visits, enjoy the recruiting process and let them treat you like a celebrity for a weekend; you earned it! You don’t want to regret not taking them when your football career is over. Good luck 🍀 young man!!

  2. justsaying September 20, 2018 3:10 pm

    i think this kid is staying true to his commitment to U of Washington

  3. ??? September 20, 2018 10:48 pm

    You can stay true to Washington and still get 5 free trips. “Just Saying” . Talk to him coach T

  4. Kamehameha #! September 21, 2018 4:33 am

    Here we go again, a Hawaii public school kid not exploring his opportunities. He’s coach and counselor need to advice him to open up and see what else is out there for you. What do you think Tuitele is doing? I am not saying that UW is not right for him, I am saying when Saban is at your door step, you need to open the door. This is the best college football ever and if nfl is a goal, he has the process that will developed you into one. I am a Husky die hard fan and would love to see this kid go to Washington, but we’ve had so many kids that went UW in the past and never really materialize. Look at Fehoko at LSU, Tua at Alabama, You can always come back to Pac 12. Try other opportunities and don’t limit yourself.

  5. Paul Honda September 21, 2018 6:25 pm

    You mean, Saban, the head coach who keeps doing a yo-yo move with Tua? I’d think twice.

  6. Kamehameha #! September 23, 2018 6:08 am

    Paul Honda, Yes Saban! the best college coach ever! Where is Tua now and how is he doing? What more can you ask for? He’s won the national championship and made a legacy that will be remembered forever in college football. He will win the Hiesman this year. He’s face is on espn every time I turn the tv on. He will be the first pick of the draft after his junior year. Mr. Honda, you need to stop asking LOLO questions!

  7. Straight Facts September 23, 2018 11:39 am

    Visits are big for the recruiting process. If he takes his visits elsewhere, big chance he’ll reconsider.

  8. Lolopeople September 24, 2018 5:56 am

    His good where his at smh

  9. TooMeke September 25, 2018 11:46 am

    Saban is not the best college coach ever… killing me. He has the best talent (example: St Louis).

    Bama is not the best college football program ever… But they do have the most talent these days.

    And yet…even with the best talent EVERY YEAR…he (and they) manage to NOT win every year. Duh.

    Is he a great recruiter? Yes. But not the best coach ever…I think Bryant, Switzer and a half dozen others might have something to say about that.

    Didn’t he and Bama lose to UTAH in a bowl game? Yes…yes, they did…UTAH.

    But…this kid should use his visits…and don’t just go on his own dime to visit any school…even if it is Bama – make Bama pay for it.

  10. poibags September 26, 2018 7:47 am

    Saban best coach. Come on man. If you replace Saban with Chow, Alabama will still win, with all that talent.

  11. Se_Relax_Domo September 26, 2018 12:26 pm

    If the kid and his parents have made a decision then respect it. Who are we to tell the kid that he is not making a good decision by not visiting other schools? When its time for your kid to make the same decision then harp at them and givem your 2 pennies. The only thing matters is we hope that he uses this opportunity to earn his college degree while playing football.

    We have too many kids who go to college because of their football talents and come back without a college degree.

  12. Se_Relax_Domo September 26, 2018 12:37 pm

    Saban and other power 5 coaches will do whatever they can do to recruit the best. Their goal is to win games and bring $$$ for their respective universities. The HS athlete needs to realize that he will be competing for the position with 4 or 5 other athletes and needs to weigh his options and be honest to themselves. Are you good enough to be the starter on Saban’s team? If the answer is “maybe’ or ‘no’ then look at other schools.

    Expectations need to be realistic or you will waste your freshman year in college.

  13. 88 September 27, 2018 7:12 pm

    Saban – 6 titles
    Bryant – 6 titles

    No other coach has as many. So he is tied for being the best coach. These are facts. Recruiting is part of the coaching process.

    So many jealous of Cal.


  14. Kamehameha #! September 28, 2018 6:36 am

    TooMeke September 25, 2018 11:46 am
    Saban is not the best college coach ever… killing me.

    How the heck do you think he gets those players? TooMeke, Recruiting is a big part of coaching in college and just because you get those players, doesn’t mean that they will developed into nfl players. Great team loose games too. You cannot debate college football with me cause you’ll go under the table so you best stay with HS and keeping whining about St. louis. And you should have some crackers and cheese with your Whine.

  15. Spartan01 October 3, 2018 11:10 am

    Opportunities 3X

  16. Dafun October 5, 2018 8:15 am

    Not to bash him or anything but how does anyone from a school that’s doing so poorly get noticed by a big name school?

  17. Dave Reardon October 6, 2018 11:58 am

    Maybe: This young man has morals and doesn’t want to take five trips to places he has no intention of attending.
    Maybe: He has other priorities that override how much “free” stuff he can get in life.
    Maybe: He’d rather spend the time during his senior of high school enjoying that unique experience with his friends and classmates instead of a bunch of time in airports and on planes.
    Maybe: He’s honoring a commitment he made.
    Maybe: Washington is a lot easier place for his family to see him play at than Alabama would be.
    Maybe: If you’re good enough, you can get to the NFL from Washington just as you would from Alabama.

    And, I emphasize these are all “maybes,” and it’s really up to him and his family.

  18. Dawgs October 7, 2018 9:32 pm

    To Dafun that’s call talent…
    That’s the problem now a days just be happy for the kid and his family smh and his representing his school and mostly his family

  19. Kamehameha #! October 8, 2018 4:50 am

    Dave reardon may be right! This kid has limited resources and has no idea whats on the other side. Basically the people around him has no idea what its like to be recruited by Alabama. But in all honesty, this kid is not Alabama material anyways. There’s only one good enough to play there from Hawaii and we all know who that is. Just because Alabama wants you to visit doesn’t mean you ‘ll get an offer.

  20. dawgs October 8, 2018 5:35 am

    @ Kamehameha #! WTH this kid has talent, your support would have been just fine, that’s the problem now a days no more support but just want to put them down smh where the hell is your ALOHA…

  21. dawgs October 8, 2018 5:37 am

    and Dafun thats call talent 100% dont matter what school you go to, when talent is notices thats all that matters, just support the kids and no talk like that smh

  22. dawgs4life October 8, 2018 7:34 am

    @Kamehameha #! what makes you think he not Alabama material, he got talent that’s why Alabama is looking at him, that’s the problem now a days no support or motivation, just be a good supporter or don’t say any negative comments smh

  23. CynHyn October 9, 2018 1:33 pm

    Me think that OIA get Alabama offer and ILH no can believe. Lol. Wait Paama lives in Waialae Ave.district? Why he no play on the 120 player roster? Oh yeah, Kaimuki Pride. That’s loyalty! Good for him.

  24. Uncle Bully October 18, 2018 11:25 pm

    It doesn’t matter what school you go too, it’s if the kid puts in the time and work, that Taamu kid went to Pearl City, some kids now days still have loyalty to where they were raised, not everybody wants to jump on the bandwagon and ride the wave lol good job to his parents!

  25. No Ka Oi October 20, 2018 7:51 am


    Simple decision.

    Non-stop flights direct from Honolulu to Seattle. Check.

    Closer Location to the Islands. Check

    Good University Academically. Check

    Very large Polynesian population in Washington. Check. (much larger than Alabama and other places East of Mississippi River)

    Good Head Football Coach. Check.

    Opportunity to Play football on Scholarship. Check.

    Over a DOZEN other polynesian football players on roster. Check.

    Two Polynesian Football Coaches on staff. Check. (Alabama has none right now. And UW’s Keith Bhonopa is a 3rd assistant coach who played at Univ. of Hawai`i.)


    If he gave him his “word” and commitment in exchange for an athletic scholarship at UW, and he honors that commitment – this young TEENAGER his personal integrity. Check. (this one is sometimes rare amongst teenagers – so if he wants to commit and HONOR that commitment, that is why they created an “early signing period”. )

    Congratulations to the Pa`amu aiga! Taking four OTHER trips might be “nice” and “a luxury” – but when you know, you know.


    Best Wishes to this young man (STILL A TEENAGER!) and his aiga.

    Tofa soifu.

  26. DC October 23, 2018 8:08 am

    This kids is a truly gifted athlete and deserves everything that is coming his way. The Kaimuki coaching staff did a terrific job of mentoring this kid and putting him in this position…

    To be recruited by Alabama is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Imagine if your child had the opportunity to go to Harvard on a full ride academic scholarship?

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