Here are the recommendations from the athletic directors’ conference on Kauai. The conference began on Thursday, ended Saturday and resulted in the following approved proposals. The proposals went up for HHSAA executive board voting on Tuesday morning at the OIA office, located at Radford High School.

HHSAA executive board vote on HIADA recommendations

June 12, 2012

OIA office, Radford High School

Group 1

Chair: Greg van Cantfort (OIA), Recorder: Karen Iha (OIA)


1. To unify the safety training for cheerleading coaches across all the islands by implementing two important trainings. The first is the NFHS online training course called “AACCA Spirit Safety Certification.” This course outlines Safety Awareness, Medical Responsibilities, Environmental factors, Spotting, Performer Readiness, Skill Progression, and has a Course Evaluation. This is by a 4-year certification. Second, a yearly review of the current NFHS safety guidelines given by the State Coordinator would insure that all coaches are up-to-date and current safety guidelines. NFHS safety guidelines change every year by adapting to the sport so a yearly review is important for every coach.

HIADA VOTE: 87-0-1.

HHSAA VOTE: 72-0-25 (ILH abstains).

2. For the HHSAA to accept the new 2012-2013 AACAA and NFHS Cheerleading Rules specifically to the No Double Down Ruling.

HIADA VOTE: 87-1-0

HHSAA VOTE: 72-0-25 (ILH abstains).


1. As amended: Add Cross Country to sports having divisional tournaments — to recognize a Division II boys and girls team champion. Format would still be one race per gender.

HIADA VOTE: 41-38-9.

HHSAA VOTE: 41-31-25 (ILH abstains).


1. Adoption of the NCAA Hand Signals as noted below.

NCAA Volleyball Officials

Hand Signals (Rule 18.1.5, page 86)

When a fault is whistled by the first referee, he or she will indicate the result of the play (loss of rally/point)  followed by the nature of the fault. The second referee mimics these signals. If the fault is whistled by the second referee, he or she will indicate the nature of the fault. The first referee, if in agreement, will then indicate the result of the play (loss of rally/point); the second referee mimics that signal.


Rationale: Immediately indicating which team will serve next facilitates the actions of the scorekeepers, ball crew, media, etc. during the time that the ball is out of play. The tempo of the match will improve, and fewer errors by the scorekeepers and ball crew will be made.

When the R2 initiates the call, the R1 will lead the R2 with the result (point/loss of rally) only.

R2 initiates a net foul:

1. Second referee blows whistle and steps to side at fault.

2. Indicates net fault.

3. Shows a number of player at fault.

4. First referee repeats umber of player (no net fault signal)

5. First referee shows loss of rally/point signal.

6. Second referee mimics loss of rally/point.

Same procedure if R2 whistles center line, antenna, ball contacting standard, ball in non-playable area, illegal alignment, wrong server, etc. (No need to give numbers for these violations.)

When the R1 initiates any fault, including those above, the R2 will mimic the point signal, followed by the fault signal – EXCEPT for net serve.

HIADA VOTE: 87-0-0.

HHSAA VOTE: 72-0-25 (ILH abstains).

2. Consolation bracket format to be two out of three games with a cap of 27 and no time limit and no cap on the third set of 15.

HIADA VOTE: 86-1-0.

HHSAA VOTE: 72-0-25 (ILH abstains).


1. To increase the number of boys and girls participants at the State Championships from 21 to 24.

HIADA VOTE: 86-0-2.

HHSAA VOTE 72-0-25 (ILH abstains).

2. As Amended: Score six places to be consistent with judo, track and field, and wrestling.

HIADA VOTE: 56-31-1.

HHSAA VOTE: 36-36-25 (ILH abstains).

> Tie vote means no passage, current rule (five places) status quo.


Chair: Steve Perry (BIIF), Recorder: Hoku Haliniak (BIIF)


1. That the HHSAA establish/formulate its own race rules for our HHSAA State Championships.

HIADA VOTE: 88-0-0.

HHSAA VOTE: 72-0-25 (ILH abstains).


1. As Amended: Extend the wrestling season from 14 weeks to a minimum of 15 weeks.

HIADA VOTE: 87-0-1.

HHSAA VOTE: 72-0-25 (ILH abstains).

2. Modify the HHSAA State Wrestling Weight Monitoring Program, Section F. Paragraph d. and adding a Paragraph e. as follows:

F. Establishing Certified Low-Weight Class

a. Certified low-weight classes are determined by:

1. The league weight monitoring sessions (hydration and body fat testing sessions) to establish the lowest allowable weight;

2. The weight descent plan; and

3. The wrestler weighing in at scratch weight on or below a given weight class at an official schedule league competition or weight monitoring session, or HHSAA sanctioned pre-season competition. The certified low-weight class may be above the lowest allowable weight.

b. No wrestler may compete below his or her certified low-weight class.

c. All wrestlers must establish his/her certified low-weight class by the third Saturday before the State Tournament.

d. There shall be two-pound growth allowance after the third Saturday prior to the State Tournament. No wrestler may certify using the two-pound growth allowance. The wrestler’s weight descent plans on the third Sunday prior to the State Tournament (downloaded from the OPC after all weigh-in data has been input to the system) will, along with the certified low-weight class, establish his/her eligible weight class from that date forward to the State Tournament, and the wrestler’s weight descent plan, from that date forward, will no longer be utilized.

e. Once the certified low-weight class has been established, the two eligible weight classes will be the certified low-weight class and the next highest weight class. However, if an individual weigh-ins over the higher of the two eligible weight classes, the re-certified low-weight class of that individual will be the weight class for which he/she qualified by that weigh-in. The re-certified low weight class will establish his/her eligible weight class from that date forward to the State Tournament.

HIADA VOTE: 87-0-1.

HHSAA VOTE: 72-0-25 (ILH abstains).

3. As Amended: Increase the number of girls weight classes from 11 to 14 as of the 2012-2013 season. Proposed weight classes are shown below.

Current HHSAA: 98, 103, 108, 114, 120, 125, 130, 140, 155, 175, 220.

Proposed 2012-2013: 97, 101, 105, 109, 113, 117, 121, 125, 130, 135, 140, 155, 175, 220.

HIADA VOTE: 87-0-1.

HHSAA VOTE: 72-0-25 (ILH abstains).

4. Require the sports coordinator to implement a Referee’s Ranking system to gather input from coaches as to which referees should officiate the final session of the State Wrestling Championships.

HIADA VOTE: 84-0-0.

HHSAA VOTE: 72-0-25 (ILH abstains).

5. Clarify the requirements for a suitable undergarment to allow inspection of all areas besides the groin and buttocks. Delete “briefs, boxers, compression shorts … and shorts …” Replace with “brief or bikini type undergarments that do not cover the thighs.” These undergarments would facilitate a more thorough skin inspection.”


Chair: Jeaney Garcia (ILH), Recorder: Kimberly Yamaguchi (ILH)


1. To allow the use of non-motorized push or pull carts for Girls and Boys HHSAA golf tournaments.

HIADA VOTE: 60-28-0.

HHSAA VOTE: 72-0-25 (ILH abstains).


1. As Amended: The first-place finisher from each league will be seeded by the committee based on the past finishes in previous HHSAA tournaments at the same weight class.

HIADA VOTE: 84-0-4.

HHSAA VOTE: 72-0-25 (ILH abstains).

2. All winners bracket matches shall be four minutes including all of first-, third- and fifth-place matches.

HIADA VOTE: 84-0-4.

HHSAA VOTE: 72-0-25 (ILH abstains).


1. As Amended: Include the MIL in the rotation for hosting the HHSAA Division II Softball Championship every three years starting with the 2012-13 school year.

HIADA VOTE: 85-0-3.

HHSAA VOTE: 72-0-25 (ILH abstains).


1. The HHSAA tournament shall be a three-day format. The rounds of 32 and 16 shall be played on Thursday. All quarterfinal and semifinal rounds shall be played on Friday, with the quarterfinal matches to begin in the morning with a two-hour break at the conclusion of the quarterfinals. Semifinal matches shall follow. All finals and third-/fourth-place matches shall be played on Saturday, 8:30 a.m.

HIADA VOTE: 88-0-0.

HHSAA VOTE: 72-0-25 (ILH abstains).


1. Where possible, return number of competitors to 32 from the present 26 in all track and field events.

HIADA VOTE: 87-0-1.

HHSAA VOTE: 72-0-25 (ILH abstains).

2. Clarify that when two or more competitors have submitted the same time or mark for consideration into the state meet, the athlete with the most recent qualifying date (the date closest to the state tournament) will be admitted. If two or more athletes have the same date, both (or more) will be accepted.

HIADA VOTE: 87-0-1.

HHSAA VOTE: 72-0-25 (ILH abstains)

3. As Amended: Beginning in the year 2013-2014, no hand times will be accepted as qualifying times for the state tournament.

HIADA VOTE: 84-4-0.

HHSAA VOTE: 72-0-25 (ILH abstains).


Chair: Roderick Sumagit (MIL, Recorder John Altomare (KIF)


1. Add wording listed below to Section 2 Letter A of the “Administrative Regulations of the Hawaii High School Athletic Association”

(2) the student is re-enrolled at the first private school where he/she participated in any sport (exception: if a student participated in a fall sport at the current school prior to transferring back to the original private school he/she would be deemed ineligible for participation in that sport for that year); or “Participation” is already defined in the regulations under: Section L Definitions #4 participates.

HIADA VOTE: 85-2-1.

HHSAA VOTE: 72-0-25 (ILH abstains).

2. As Amended: The HHSAA shall form a committee to develop a clear tie-breaking criteria for ties involving three or more leagues for state tournament berths prior to the start of the 2012-13 school year.

HIADA VOTE: 88-0-0.

HHSAA VOTE: 72-0-25 (ILH abstains).

3. Recommend that the following criteria be used when seeding Division I teams in a 12-team bracket. Team sport exceptions would be canoe paddling and football.


1. Seed the league champions.

2. Place the league’s second representative in the opposite half bracket based on league champion’s seed. (Example: The state’s top top-seeded league will place their second representative in the same quarter bracket as the state’s third seed.)

3. Place the league’s third representative in the opposite quarter bracket of league’s second representative.

4. Place the league’s fourth representative in the same half bracket opposite quarter bracket from league champion.

5. Place the league’s fifth representative in the same quarter bracket as league champion. If the bracket is full, place the fifth representative in the last remaining open slot.

6. Place the league’s sixth representative in the only remaining slot.

HIADA VOTE: 69-15-4.

HHSAA VOTE: 72-0-25 (ILH abstains).


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