In part 1 of a sit-down interview with Saint Louis senior defensive tackle Faatui Tuitele, he chats about his favorite athlete: Los Angeles Rams DT Aaron Donald.
Tuitele will be featured in Tuesday’s Honolulu Star-Advertiser to kick off our weekly prep page.
That is the reason for you to go to USC, as being in Los Angeles there will be more opportunities to interact with Donald.
If he’s the real deal he will go to the SEC where he can play against NFL talent every week or Notre Dame or Standford for Top Notch Education & 1st Class Football .
USC will never be a Pete Carroll dynasty again!
Hello! the best go to Bama! He already said his top 5 schools and SC wasn’t one so USC fans stop it already. Big Boy is going Roll Tide! Any other school would be right!
Its only right that Tui go to Alabama!