1986 prep football all-star teams

Walter Santiago (Kahuku), Joe Silva (Pearl City), Henry Marks (Saint Louis) and Richard Stevenson (Kahuku) were some of the brightest stars in 1986.

The 1986 prep football all-star teams had the same top players in each newspaper.

Saint Louis defensive lineman Manly Williams won the defensive and lineman of the year honors while Kahuku tailback Richard Stevenson won offensive and back of the year honors.

The Honolulu Advertiser went with Pac-Five quarterback David Searle on its first team while the Star-Bulletin chose Kahuku’s Walter Santiago as its quarterback.

Leilehua’s Adrian Murrell, as a sophomore, made the Advertiser’s first team.

Notable players to make both first teams include Saint Louis DB Tom Heffernan, Farrington DB Roger Boyd, Farrington LB Tuli Tafai, Kahuku LB Byron Beatty and Kamehameha WR Nelson Wong.

For a listing of all prep football all-star teams over the years that have been posted, click here.

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