1971 prep football all-star teams

Saipele Manutai was one of nine Kahuku players named to the OIA East squad.

Two years before the first Prep Bowl, underclassmen were making noise during the 1971 prep football season.

Punahou’s Mosi Tatupu, who would go on to set the state’s career rushing record, was named the ILH back of the year as a sophomore. ‘Iolani’s Tiloi Lolotai was named the league’s lineman of the year as a junior.

Punahou’s David Eldredge was named coach of the year after leading the Buffanblu to an ILH title. The Buffanblu landed 10 players on the Honolulu Advertiser’s all-league team and eight on the Star-Bulletin squad.

Saint Louis’ Vernon Yoro was the ILH’s top passer.

Kahuku’s Judah Heffernan was named the OIA East back of the year while lineman of the year honors went to Farrington tackle Wes Lavatai by the Honolulu Advertiser. The Star-Bulletin gave Kahuku quarterback Paul Nihipali its back of the year award and Red Raiders teammate Clifton Alapa was the lineman of the year.

Leilehua swept the top honors in the OIA West from the Advertiser with quarterback Alex Kaloi earning back of the year honors and Kendall Cozo the lineman of the year.

For a listing of all prep football all-star teams over the years that have been posted, click here.

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  1. Les Ching January 16, 2018 10:54 am

    You said Alex Kaloi and Kendall from Leilehua swept the OIA West honors, and that Kahuku dominated the OIA East all-star list. You forgot that the Waipahu Marauders defeated both of them and were the overeall OIA champs. The Star Bulletin also ranked the Marauders as the no. 1 team in their poll. So they were considered the State champs since there was no Prep Bowl yet. I noticed that the Star Bulletin had 9 Marauders on the first team and only 5 Mules. In the those days, the Advertiser was considered the inferior paper as most people subscribed to the Star Bulletin.

  2. Eric Rabbit Sakazaki October 7, 2023 2:55 am

    Im trying to research any high school baseball articles about me , Roosevelt High Rough Riders. Played ball for Les Murakami 72-76 My articles got destroyed in Hurricane Iniki

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